NFTs are experiencing massive growth and generate as much interest as questioning, particularly in the context of the artistic and cultural industries.Prior considering the prospects ...
Agreements between SVOD platforms and audiovisual producer organizations
As part of the SMAD decree published in June 2021, the CSA (newly ARCOM) signed ...
Shooting in the time of COVID
In view of the health context and the difficulties raised by the COVID-19 pandemic, producers ...
Rights clearance : a necessary step for audiovisual production
Beyond the acquisition of the rights of scriptwriters and directors or audiovisual or cinematographic adaptation ...
Replace a director under French law : circumstances and difficulties
The production of a film is generally based on a relationship of trust and collaboration ...
Film production and force majeure event
The actual pandemic and the ensuing containment of population naturally leads us to focus on ...
Difficulties in producing theatrical documentaries in France
These last 10 years number of documentary feature films available for theatre exhibition doubled and ...
Panorama of documentary production
In France and in 2016, audiovisual documentaries represents 26 628 broadcasted hours and the production ...