A film co-production agreement between France and Ireland entered into force in 2023 to strengthen collaboration between the two countries and provide better conditions for ...
In recent years, various mechanisms have been developed to support the development of creative industries, ...
Cultural patronage & audiovisual works
As patronage is very often mentioned with regard to the funding of cultural businesses and ...
Coproduction between France and South Korea
Both Korean cinematographic and audiovisual works have great visibility on the international market, whether in ...
The latest changes to French aids for cinematographic and audiovisual production
2022 began with the implementation of French CNC's reform of the aid system, announced during ...
Challenges of developing and producing an animated film
French animated films are regularly recognized at festivals, whether they are aimed to children or ...
COVID-19 : French measures sustaining audiovisual and film industry
Cultural sector, and in particular audiovisual and film production, has been particularly affected by the ...
Film production and force majeure event
The actual pandemic and the ensuing containment of population naturally leads us to focus on ...
French regulation of public aids intensity within audiovisual production
Public supports for cinematographic production are numerous and essential within the context of French production, ...