French animated films are regularly recognized at festivals, whether they are aimed to children or adults, original films or adaptation.In 2020, during the Annecy animated ...
Counterfeiting of synopsis
The development phase of an audiovisual project is crucial and can last for a ...
Shooting in the time of COVID
In view of the health context and the difficulties raised by the COVID-19 pandemic, producers ...
Replace a director under French law : circumstances and difficulties
The production of a film is generally based on a relationship of trust and collaboration ...
Film production and force majeure event
The actual pandemic and the ensuing containment of population naturally leads us to focus on ...
Direct to VOD between strain and expectations on the French Film market
In 2017, the Cannes Film Festival included surprises regarding VOD by gathering two films produced ...
Starting a French film production company
Starting a production company requires to carefully consider the conditions in which such company will ...