Challenges of developing series29/09/2021 Broadcasting by Sébastien Lachaussée Last edition of the Festival de la Fiction in La Rochelle was an opportunity for the CNC to control the data pertaining to the production ...
Challenges of developing and producing an animated film16/06/2021 CinemaInternational CoproductionPublic subsidies by Sébastien Lachaussée French animated films are regularly recognized at festivals, whether they are aimed to children or ...
Distribution and operation : conditions to reopen movie theaters12/05/2021 Film by Sébastien Lachaussée Despite the support provided to the professionals through various mechanisms, COVID 19 health crisis caused ...
La contrefaçon de synopsis31/03/2021 AudiovisuelCinema by Sébastien Lachaussée La période de gestation d’un projet audiovisuel est cruciale et parfois longue. Elle passe par ...
Counterfeiting of synopsis31/03/2021 AuthorsBroadcastingFilm by Sébastien Lachaussée The development phase of an audiovisual project is crucial and can last for a ...
New funding obligation for VOD platforms09/02/2021 BroadcastingFilmNew Medias by Sébastien Lachaussée The major audiovisual reform presented at the end of 2019 by the former French Minister ...
Shooting in the time of COVID06/01/2021 BroadcastingDocumentaryFilm by Sébastien Lachaussée In view of the health context and the difficulties raised by the COVID-19 pandemic, producers ...
New measures for movies on French TV12/11/2020 AdvertisingBroadcastingFilm by Sébastien Lachaussée In June 2020, Edouard Philippe, then French Prime Minister, announced to the leaders of the ...
Rights clearance : a necessary step for audiovisual production29/07/2020 BroadcastingDocumentaryFilm by Sébastien Lachaussée Beyond the acquisition of the rights of scriptwriters and directors or audiovisual or cinematographic adaptation ...
Replace a director under French law : circumstances and difficulties10/06/2020 AuthorsBroadcastingDocumentaryFilm by Sébastien Lachaussée The production of a film is generally based on a relationship of trust and collaboration ...