Cities are covered with numerous graffiti, collages and works of street art that are an integral part of the urban landscape and are difficult or impossible to exclude when shooting...
Original soundtrack and moral right under French law

Original soundtrack and moral right under French law

In February 2024, the French Court of Cassation had the opportunity to recall that the synchronization of a song in the form of excerpts in a film does not constitute...
A new coproduction treaty to support the French-Irish coproduction

A new coproduction treaty to support the French-Irish coproduction

A film co-production agreement between France and Ireland entered into force in 2023 to strengthen collaboration between the two countries and provide better conditions for the development and production of...
Which agreement for models in France ?

Which agreement for models in France ?

Whether it's during fashion shows, commercials, TV shows or in various events, the use of models is frequent or even systematic. To benefit from such service without making any mistakes,...
Inventory of the protection of photographs by French Intellectual Property

Inventory of the protection of photographs by French Intellectual Property

In May 2023, the Paris Court of Appeal refused to grant copyright protection for lack of originality, to a selfie of an influencer who complained that a company of the...

Which agreement for models in France ?

Whether it's during fashion shows, commercials, TV shows or in various events, the use of models is frequent or even systematic. To benefit from such service without making any mistakes, it is necessary to delve into the complex and protective ...

A major agreement for French animation

During the 2023 edition of the Annecy Animation Film Festival, the unions of producers and authors announced an agreement on contractual practices in animation, which came into force on 1 September 2023.The latter follows on from the agreement for audio-visual ...

A new Law for influencers in France

 On June 9, 2023, an expected law on the activity of influencers entered into force in France after an accelerated legislative procedure to define their activities and regulate their presence on social networks.The stated objective of this law is to ...

An agreement for French TV fictions

    During the last edition of the Lille festival SérieMania, the French Guild of Screenwriters, the SACD, and the French producers' unions SPI and USPA entered an interprofessional agreement to regulate the conditions of writing of audiovisual works. The ...


In recent years, various mechanisms have been developed to support the development of creative industries, particularly the audiovisual sector. More specifically, the BPI (French public investment bank) organized a Cinema & Audiovisual accelerator since 2015 and launched in 2020 the "Plan ...

Cultural patronage & audiovisual works

As patronage is very often mentioned with regard to the funding of cultural businesses and products, it seems interesting for a producer or broadcaster to consider kind of funding and to linger on the applicable conditions.In general, patronage is defined ...

Coproduction between France and South Korea

Both Korean cinematographic and audiovisual works have great visibility on the international market, whether in terms of their presence and awards in festivals:  "Parasite"  by Bong Joon-ho, Palme d'Or in 2019 that reached 1.9 million admissions in France,  "Decision To ...

A new and shortened French media chronology

After long discussions between TV channels, VOD platforms and film organizations a new agreement was signed on January 24 to establish the new French media chronology, which provides for timeline to broadcast cinematographic films after their release in theaters.This agreement ...

Gender equality : overview and measures

As the subject is already significant in society, in France and worldwide, the issue of gender equality and parity in the audiovisual and film industry deserves our full attention at the beginning of 2022.In this regard, since 2018 the French ...

Challenges of developing series

Last edition of the Festival de la Fiction in La Rochelle was an opportunity for the CNC to control the data pertaining to the production and export of French series. Each year new series are produced in France, whether they ...

Counterfeiting of synopsis

  The development phase of an audiovisual project is crucial and can last for a long period of time. It involves the drawing up of several literary documents, more or less detailed: pitch, synopsis, bibles etc. which are required to ...

New funding obligation for VOD platforms

The major audiovisual reform presented at the end of 2019 by the former French Minister of Culture Franck Riester announced among its flagship measures a contribution of platforms to French audiovisual and cinematographic production. Following COVID 19 pandemic, the schedule ...

Shooting in the time of COVID

In view of the health context and the difficulties raised by the COVID-19 pandemic, producers have to take many responsibilities and precautions in the context of the recovery of production’s operations and film shootings. Shooting can take place but producers ...

New measures for movies on French TV

In June 2020, Edouard Philippe, then French Prime Minister, announced to the leaders of the private and public broadcasting sector, a division of the French audiovisual law, in order to deal with certain points as quickly as possible, despite the ...

Film production and force majeure event

The actual pandemic and the ensuing containment of population naturally leads us to focus on the question of interruptions of production and exploitation of films, whether audiovisual or cinematographic.In this context, the concept of “force majeure” comes up systematically and ...

Coproduction between France and Japan

The cultural relations between France and Japan have always been rich and numerous. This is also reflected in cinematography. Thus, French films are successfully exported to Japan, with € 10 million in revenue in 2017 and a sixth place in ...

2020, year of the SVOD platforms?

Video-on-demand platforms have gradually taken on a huge importance when it comes to broadcasting audio-visual or cinematographic content.In particular, SVOD (video on demand by subscription) knows a major growth and represents almost 80% of the video on demand market over ...

Produce VR in France

Virtual reality works have grown significantly in recent years. The exhibition of three of them at the last Cannes Film Festival (directed by Laurie Anderson and Hsin-Chien Huang) or the development of a virtual reality film competition at the Venice ...

Coproducing between France and South asian countries

The co-production of films between France and the countries of South East Asia is relatively confidential. Nevertheless, interesting projects and partnerships can be developed and it is interesting to look at existing possibilities.There is little co-production treaties, co-production agreements between ...

Influencers : their legal status in France

Nowadays « influencers » are an integral part of the media space, wether they are communicating through social media such as facebook, instagram or youtube or people involved in fashion or reality shows.Naturally, the advertising industry is taking advantage of ...

Coproducing with Spain or Portugal

Spanish and Portuguese directors benefit from a reputation that goes beyond their borders and are regularly selected in international film festivals. During the 2018 Cannes Film Festival, "El Ángel" by Luis Ortega was screened in the "Un Certain Regard" selection ...

Developing a Film in France

Development is a crucial step when producing a feature film. It is the period when take place both the writing and artistic development of the films by its authors and the search of financial partners by the producer (co-producers, broadcasters…). ...

Panorama of documentary production

In France and in 2016, audiovisual documentaries represents 26 628 broadcasted hours and the production reached 2253 hours produced and a total investment of 405,2 M €.Unit documentaries (between 45 and 59 minutes) is the most produced format (59,3%) and ...

Produce a film with an African country

The 2017 edition of the Cannes Film Festival has again highlighted films with african background. Among them, « Until the birds return » by Karim Moussaoui, coproduced with french production company Les Films Pelleas, and presented at the selection « Un certain regard ».The ...

Starting a French film production company

Starting a production company requires to carefully consider the conditions in which such company will be created. It requires to: select the partners and the legal form of the company, finance the creation of the company and its activities, think ...

Coproducing films with eastern countries

Eastern Europe cinema regularly meets success in festivals, whether they are international festivals or dedicated festivals, and in the French theatres. Among them we can evoke films of Romanian director Cristian Mungiu such as « Baccalauréat » coproduced by the ...

French financing of TV series

Among French audiovisual production, it is impossible not to notice the rise of series these last pas years: dedicated festivals are flourishing in France, such as Series Series or the future Cannes series festival, and French creations are pretty successful. ...

French incentives for foreign filmmakers projects

France has been a long-standing and privileged partner for international filmmakers. It is no surprise that during international festivals and awards, French co-productions are very well represented: "Timbuktu" and "The Salt of the Earth" selected for the Oscars in 2015, ...

Coproducing with Scandinavian countries

During last Cannes Film Festival « Wolf and Sheep » selected at the Director’s fortnight testified of the French-Scandinavian relationships toward films’ coproduction. Indeed, Adeimat Film in Denmark and La Fabrica Nocturna in France have coproduced this first Afghani movie.More traditional and ...

Shooting in the USA : keys of understanding

The "American Dream" is tough and many are the French producers and directors who want to make a film in the US, such as Michel Hazanavicus for "The Artist" or more recently Guillaume Canet for "Blood Ties"; We can also cite the ...

Coproductions between France and Latin America

The  « Caméra d’or » award attributed to the French-Columbian movie « La tierra y la sombra » directed by Cesar Acevedo, during last Cannes Film Festival brought to light the cinematographic relationships between the two countries, and more widely the relationships between France and ...

Fair use by quoting under French law

Author’s right have exceptions, which allow to avoid conviction for counterfeiting when they are invoke in a court and include the short quotation exception. It’s not a question of « short quotation right » but it’s a « short quotation ...

Script counterfeiting criterias under French Law

On September 2, 2014 Michel Hazanavicius and Thomas Langmann’s production firm, La Petite Reine, were brought before the Paris Regional Court for scenario counterfeiting with their movie « The Artist ». The charge is laid by Christophe Valdenaire, author of two short-films, ...

Video Games and French labour law

The French are now 31 millions people playing video games. It is three times more than ten years ago and the video game industry records an important growth since 40 years. Therefore in 2013, the French video game industry turnover ...








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